/Whois Daemon
Daemon Adam flint, I was completely unaware of where the name Daemon came from when i decided on it (It wasn't a cruel joke)... His middle name is the name of my eldest brother whom died in '96, i thought it fitting since until the time of my son's birth, i'd loved no one as much as my big brother...

Daemon has big blue eyes that still sparkle with innocence, beautiful fair hair (which i'm sure will turn darker in time)... His skin is very pale but atm he has a nice golden tan...

Daemons a very quiet child, he'll spend most of his time crawling and walking (while holding onto something) around his play room... He's always finding something to get into or rip to bits... Yet when he catches you watching him and you give him a big smile, he'll be sure to return the favor... Pull a funny face or give him big raspberries and he'll laugh his little butt off... He rarely cry's, only when its food time or he's sleepy... On occasion he'll cry because he wants to be cuddled, or he's ill...

Basically he is my life, everything he will become in life is because of the way i've decided to raise him... So this realization has made me grow up and put this little person before everything in my life... And whenever i look at him or hold him, i know there are no regrets...